Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mt. Hood Loop & Cooper Spur Road

We headed out to Hood River to do the fruit loop, and stopped at a couple of fruit stands, including Packer Orchards & Bakery where we got awesome cookies. Then we continued south on hwy 35 and took Cooper Spur Road up to Cloud Cap & TIlly Jane Campground. The picture below is us parked at the top of Cloud Cap. The Forester was twice as dirty when we reached the bottom of the hill! :D

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oregon Zoo

We hit up the Oregon Zoo, and among other things, watched the bears wrestle.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Old Columbia Gorge Highway

We drove down the old Columbia river highway, and then around Mt. Hood. We took our normal detour along part of the old Barlow road, and pulled a full sized Dodge truck out of the snow. Go Subaru power. :D

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Deschutes River State Recreation Area

We went camping in the Columbia gorge at  Deschutes River State Recreation Area, and then visited the Stonehenge memorial.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Coast Trip

We headed out 26, and up 47 to hwy 202, once we hit Astoria, we visited Ft. Stevens, and headed down hwy 101 to Tillamook and crossed back on hwy 6.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cape Disappointment Camping Trip

We headed over the Astoria Bridge, and had a nice, yet freezing camp out at Cape Disappointment.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fort Stevens & Down The Coast

We drove over to Fort Stevens, and we lucky enough to get there during a low tide so we could walk around the Peter Iredale, then we drove up to the Columbia River mouth and watched a ship being pulled in by a tug boat. After that it was time to drive south to grab some ice cream at Tilamook and head home, with a brief stop at Rockaway Beach.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Milo McIver State Park

We drove down to Milo McIver State Park since we had never visited it before. It's a large park along the Clackamas river. It has seasonal camping, a day use area, and two disc golf courses, an 18 hole, and a 9 hole. The pictures are of the river. It was flooding pretty good at the time we were there.