Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tilamook Forest Center and Cape Lookout Picnic

We had driven past the Tillamook Forest Center several times, mostly when it was closed. This time we decided to stop. It was pretty interesting, with plenty of things to see. Once we were done exploring there, we picked up a picnic lunch and headed to Cape Lookout. Then a nice drive home, stopping at a waterfall.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wildwood Recreation Site and Central Oregon Drive

We headed east to Mt. Hood and visited the Wildwood Recreation Site. Then we headed further up the mountain, and decided to keep going. We ended up driving out 26 to Redmond and coming back via Sisters through Salem and up I5.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mt. Hood Scenic Loop

We drove out I-84 to Hood River, then down Hwy 35 to Hwy 26, then drove up to Timberline lodge, and back down Hwy 26 to home.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ft. Stevens to Tillamook

We Drove up to Fort Stevens to check out the area that we seem to keep missing, and then cruised down to Tillamook for dinner before driving home.